7915CTRDULP3 NSK Super Precision Bearings

With over 10170 full-service stores, our 7915CTRDULP3 NSK Super Precision Bearings 0.500 ID Chamfer Length (Ci) inventory is extensive 1.200 OD Chamfer Length (Co) and our parts are priced right. within 24 30 ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.) hours. This helps you maximize your productivity by saving time Bearing de Mexico, S.A. and your hard-earned dollars.

Brand Name: NSK
Model Number: 7915CTRDULP3
OD Chamfer Length (Co): 1.200
ID Chamfer Length (Ci): 0.500
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.): 30
Bearing Outside Diameter Tolerance (Do tol.): 36.085 / 36.045
Material: Bronze shell with PT
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh): 36 +0.025 / +0
Shaft Size (ds) - 32 -0.025 / -0.05: 32 0.025 / 0.05
Bearing Type: straight

Product Details

OD Chamfer Length (Co) 1.200
ID Chamfer Length (Ci) 0.500
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.) 30
Bearing Outside Diameter Tolerance (Do tol.) 36.085 / 36.045
Material Bronze shell with PT
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) 36 +0.025 / +0
Shaft Size (ds) - 32 -0.025 / -0.05 32 0.025 / 0.05
Bearing Type straight
Wall Thickness (S3) 2.005
Bearing Length, Nominal (B) 20.000
Bearing Bore after Mounting (di) 32.085 / 31.99
Average Clearance (Cd) 0.0750
Bearing number AST11 3220
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do) 36.000
Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) - +0 / -0.40 +0 / 0.40
Bore Diameter (mm) 32
Outer Diameter (mm) 36
Shaft Dia., Nominal (d) 32.0000
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